International (actio popularis) Database of Judicial Compromise (IDJC)
This initiative started in response to a botched attempt by a national intelligence agency at listening in on a Whatsapp conversation between the founder and a barrister from another country.
In conversation with other lawyers it was quickly realized that an international database of intelligence on judicial credibility and levels of compromise world wide, is sorely needed. More so because of the following: -
- The massive censure and disinformation campaigns propagated by governments and mass and social media over the last two years of global emergency management roll outs following what we now know was a the biologically engineered COVID 19 pandemic.
- Given the background success of THE COMMISSION OF INQUIRY INTO ADMINISTRATIVE IRREGULARITIES IN THE JUDICIAL SYSTEM AND ACTIVITIES BY MEMBERS OF SECRET SOCIETIES (1) of South Africa, In bringing about the practice of questioning judges on their affiliations to secret societies by the Judicial Services Commission of South Africa. As well as various court cases, reports and publications exposing Military and National Intelligence agencies and their infiltration of communities and even political parties etc. The establishment of databases in other countries that will invite evidence from the public of similar activities world wide, will create a very valuable database of intelligence on judicial credibility and levels of compromise world wide.
- Established whistle-blowers will be able to register their findings on the database and thereby protect the findings from being stifled, sidelined or censored by administrations, social media platforms and mainstream media.
- Collating, re-publication and distribution of media reports, court judgments, apologies by Judges, evidence of administrative irregularities, copies of letters written by Judicial Service Commissions (JSC) Chairpersons to Ministers of Justice and corruption stifled by courts, judges, various JSC’s, politicians, administrations, internet search engines and mainstream media world wide.
- Moreover the web page will provide information, case law, pleadings, techniques and workshops on how to recognise compromise, expose it, manage it and activate procedures /interlocutory applications for the allocation of impartial and independent and recusal of presiding officers where necessary.
- Ranking of evidence received could range from alleged, unverified, established on a balance of probabilities or as irrefutable evidence.
Next steps
- Registration of business, foundations and trust names world wide
- Acquisition of domain name
- Creating of web page with portals for accessing precedent, inviting training workshops at venues or via zoom calls
- Establishment of channels and chat rooms on Telegram, Signal, Facebook, Twitter, Rumble, and other portals.
- Volunteers sought.
- Donation of Future inputs to charitable Trusts and Foundations generating tax credits.
- Advertisement of invitations of evidence.
- Build of databases.
- Dissemination and sale to other agencies.
- Activation of collaboration strategies.
- Acquisition of funding.
- We need branches world wide. Collaborators please contact the founder at [email protected]a or +61452578992
These are detailed at: -
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(1) This Commission was condoned by His Lordship Justice Mall of the Durban and Coast Local Division of the Supreme Court of South Africa on the 24th day of May 1995 as per pages 11 at 20-30, 12 at 5 and 14 of the transcript of case No A 175/93.